Fixfest 2019 Recap


Second-ever global Fixfest in Berlin

Technik, Textil, Treibhausgase: Das war das Fixfest 2019

Fix und Fertig: Reparatur für die Zukunft

Fixfest 2019 - Repair united

Imagine a place where repairers meet product designers and manufacturers, where researchers can share their knowledge with policymakers and game-changers, where entrepreneurs connect with new bottom-up social innovators and where you can learn about repair in exactly the same place – this is the very unique character of the second international Fixfest for the first time in Berlin.


Mission Profile

Back in 2017, more than 200 people joined the first Fixfest gathering in London to celebrate and share their thoughts on the ever-growing repair movement. The Un-/Conference was initiated by The Restart Project as an open and experimental platform for activists, entrepreneurs, researchers and repair initiatives – shaping a more sustainable and inspiring future. After two national Fixfest editions in the UK (2018) and Italy (2019), it’s now time for a second edition of the international event.

A two day event,the Fixfest serves as an accelerator for grassroots approaches to the repair economy, related to #3D-printing, #community repair, #opensource, #righttorepair, #openinnovation and provides a stage for all the pioneers and activists of our growing circular society. We believe in the genuinely transformative power of community repair and the maker movement as an essential part of collaborative innovation, social justice and sustainable consumption.


Be part of it!

The Fixfest will partly be organized as an unconference, meaning: We will offer spaces for spontaneous discussions and workshops that come up during the festival. Participants will thus be able to shape and develop the programme during the event.

Place to be

Fixfest 2019 takes place on the 20 - 22 September 2019 in Technische Universität in Berlin.

Address: HBS Gebäude TU Berlin, Hardenbergstraße 16-18, 10623 Berlin


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Round Table Repair Germany

press contact: Katrin Meyer

Media Partner



Community Partner








Dieses Projekt wurde gefördert durch das Umweltbundesamt und das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit. Die Mittelbereitstellung erfolgt auf Beschluss des Deutschen Bundestages.


Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung liegt bei den Autorinnen und Autoren.